Wynncraft Item Resource


Category Searching

GET https://api.wynncraft.com/public_api.php?action=itemDB&category={category}

Returns a list of Wynncraft items matching the search category. Categories include: all, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, ring, necklace, bracelet, dagger, spear, bow, and wand.

Name Searching

GET https://api.wynncraft.com/public_api.php?action=itemDB&search={name}

Returns a list of Wynncraft items matching the search name. The name is case insensitive and can be partial.

Item Object

Field Type Description Options/Details
name String Item Name
displayName String (Optional) Display Name
tier String Item Tier Normal, Unique, Rare, Set, Legendary, Mythic, unique, rare, legendary
set String or null The name of the set this item is part of null if not part of a set
sockets Number Number of powder slots this item has
type String (Optional) This item's type Chestplate, Leggings, Wand, Dagger, Spear, Boots, Helmet, Bow, bow, wand, dagger, spear, boots, helmet, leggings, or chestplate
armorType String (Optional) This piece of armor's type Diamond, Iron, Leather, Chain, Golden, diamond, golden, iron, or chain
armorColor String (Optional) This piece of armor's color Format: "(red,green,blue)"
addedLore String or null This item's lore null if this item has no lore
material String (Optional) This item's material Minecraft block/item ID + optional data value, pre-flattening. Format: "ID:DV"
dropType String (Optional) This item's drop location/type never, lootchest, or dungeon
restrictions String (Optional) Restrictions on this items use Untradeable, untradeable, or Quest Item
damage String (Optional) Amount of neutral damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
fireDamage String (Optional) Amount of fire damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
waterDamage String (Optional) Amount of water damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
airDamage String (Optional) Amount of air damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
thunderDamage String (Optional) Amount of thunder damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
earthDamage String (Optional) Amount of earth damage this weapon deals Format: "Minimum-Maximum"
attackSpeed String (Optional) Attack speed of this weapon SUPER_SLOW, VERY_SLOW, SLOW, NORMAL, FAST, VERY_FAST, or SUPER_FAST
health Number (Optional) Set amount of health this armor provides
fireDefense Number (Optional) Set amount of fire defense this armor provides
waterDefense Number (Optional) Set amount of water defense this armor provides
airDefense Number (Optional) Set amount of air defense this armor provides
thunderDefense Number (Optional) Set amount of thunder defense this armor provides
earthDefense Number (Optional) Set amount of earth defense this armor provides
level Number Minimum level required to use this item
quest String or null The quest that must have been completed in order for this item to be used null if no quest is required
classRequirement String or null The class that is required for this item to be used Assassin, Archer, Warrior, Mage, or null if no class is required
strength Number The amount of strength points that is required for this item to be used
dexterity Number The amount of dexterity points that is required for this item to be used
intelligence Number The amount of intelligence points that is required for this item to be used
agility Number The amount of agility points that is required for this item to be used
defense Number The amount of defense points that is required for this item to be used
healthRegen Number (Identification) Percentage health regeneration modifier
manaRegen Number (Identification) Mana regeneration bonus per 4 seconds
spellDamage Number (Identification) Percentage spell damage modifier
damageBonus Number (Identification) Percentage melee damage modifier
lifeSteal Number (Identification) Amount of life
manaSteal Number (Identification) Amount of mana
xpBonus Number (Identification) Percentage XP bonus
lootBonus Number (Identification) Percentage loot bonus
reflection Number (Identification) Percentage reflection modifier
strengthPoints Number (Identification) Strength points provided by this item
dexterityPoints Number (Identification) Dexterity points provided by this item
intelligencePoints Number (Identification) Intelligence points provided by this item
agilityPoints Number (Identification) Agility points provided by this item
defensePoints Number (Identification) Defense points provided by this item
thorns Number (Identification) Percentage thorns modifier
exploding Number (Identification) Percentage exploding modifier
speed Number (Identification) Percentage walk speed modifier
attackSpeedBonus Number (Identification) Tier modifier to attack speed
poison Number (Identification) Percentage poison modifier
healthBonus Number (Identification) Health modifier Unlike health, this is a identification, rather than being set
soulPoints Number (Identification) Percentage chance to regenerate an additional soul point
emeraldStealing Number (Identification) Percentage bonus chance to steal an emerald on hit
healthRegenRaw Number (Identification) Bonus to health regeneration
spellDamageRaw Number (Identification) Bonus to spell damage
damageBonusRaw Number (Identification) Bonus to melee damage
bonusFireDamage Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to fire damage
bonusWaterDamage Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to water damage
bonusAirDamage Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to air damage
bonusThunderDamage Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to thunder damage
bonusEarthDamage Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to earth damage
bonusFireDefense Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to fire defense
bonusWaterDefense Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to water defense
bonusAirDefense Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to air defense
bonusThunderDefense Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to thunder defense
bonusEarthDefense Number (Identification) Percentage bonus to earth defense
accessoryType String (Optional) This accessory's type Ring, Bracelet, Necklace, necklace, ring
identified Boolean (Optional) If this item is pre-identified when obtained Assume false if this field is missing
skin String Base-64 encoded Json object containing the skin of the skull used by this item See details below
category String This item's category armor, weapon, or accessory


All fields in the item object marked with '(Identification)' are identifications that are revealed when an item is identified. The values given by the API represent the 'base value' of that identification, when an item is actually identified a random number is generated for each non-zero identification and is then multiplied by that identification's base value. For identifications that have a positive base value, the random number can be between 0.3 and 1.3. For identifications that have a negative base value, the random number can be between 0.7 and 1.3. The result after multiplication is then rounded to the nearest integer, with a maximum value of -1 for negative identifications and a minimum value of 1 for positive identifications.


    "items": ["name": String,
            "displayName": String,
            "tier": String,
            "set": String || null,
            "sockets": Number,
            "type": String,
            "armorType": String,
            "armorColor": String,
            "addedLore": String || null,
            "material": String,
            "dropType": String,
            "restrictions": String,
            "damage": String,
            "fireDamage": String,
            "waterDamage": String,
            "airDamage": String,
            "thunderDamage": String,
            "earthDamage": String,
            "attackSpeed": String,
            "health": Number,
            "fireDefense": Number,
            "waterDefense": Number,
            "airDefense": Number,
            "thunderDefense": Number,
            "earthDefense": Number,
            "level": Number,
            "quest": String || null,
            "classRequirement": String || null,
            "strength": Number,
            "dexterity": Number,
            "intelligence": Number,
            "agility": Number,
            "defense": Number,
            "healthRegen": Number,
            "manaRegen": Number,
            "spellDamage": Number,
            "damageBonus": Number,
            "lifeSteal": Number,
            "manaSteal": Number,
            "xpBonus": Number,
            "lootBonus": Number,
            "reflection": Number,
            "strengthPoints": Number,
            "dexterityPoints": Number,
            "intelligencePoints": Number,
            "agilityPoints": Number,
            "defensePoints": Number,
            "thorns": Number,
            "exploding": Number,
            "speed": Number,
            "attackSpeedBonus": Number,
            "poison": Number,
            "healthBonus": Number,
            "soulPoints": Number,
            "emeraldStealing": Number,
            "healthRegenRaw": Number,
            "spellDamageRaw": Number,
            "damageBonusRaw": Number,
            "bonusFireDamage": Number,
            "bonusWaterDamage": Number,
            "bonusAirDamage": Number,
            "bonusThunderDamage": Number,
            "bonusEarthDamage": Number,
            "bonusFireDefense": Number,
            "bonusWaterDefense": Number,
            "bonusAirDefense": Number,
            "bonusThunderDefense": Number,
            "bonusEarthDefense": Number,
            "accessoryType": String,
            "identified": Boolean,
            "skin": String,
            "category": String
    "request": {
        "timestamp": Number,
        "version": Number

Skin Object

The skin field given in the item object is a base-64 encoded representation of a Json object; once decoded it follows the format of a response from Mojang's API. See the details here. Note that some decoded object's will be missing the timestamp, profileId, and profileName fields, so you should not rely on these fields being present.

    "timestamp": 1409195281585,
    "profileId": "5da801c1790c47378c8b396236d9a796",
    "profileName": "Chumbledore",
    "isPublic": true,
    "textures": {
        "SKIN": {
            "url": "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/695bbf9f175b1e76a61b4cd0ba183b18c9467017f41ed1046abf65a4a63c4a0"